SA's Most Comprehensive Accredited Mediation Course
The 80-hour qualification covers all 3 foundation training components, all the short courses, as well as the 16-hour live role-plays practical component. Complete 80 hours of learning in up to 12 months.
Foundation Training without Practicals
The 64-hour qualification contains all of the self-study components of the above, with the option of upgrading to the 80-hour qualification by registering for the 16-hour live role-plays component at a later date. Best option on a tight budget. Complete 64 hours of learning in up to 12 months.
Short Courses (included as modules in the 80-Hour & 64-Hour Courses)
These modules are available as stand-alone short courses for existing mediators who trained with other institutions. If you completed a 40-hour course and wish to retrain to get the 80-hour qualification, kindly contact us for a tailored plan.